Our Products

Silicon Nanopowder & Nanowire Mixed Ethanol Dispersion (Si, >99%, 100nm, Polycrystalline, 5wt% in Ethanol)

US1127 Nanowire-Si powder, particle size uniformity, and good dispersion. Mainly used in semiconductor parts, power parts, integrate circuit and extension underlay; High refractive-index nanocomposites; Light emitters; Nonvolatile memory devices……

Silicon Nanopowder & Nanowire Mixed Ethanol Dispersion
Product No NRE-23047
CAS No. 7440-21-3
Formula Si
Molecular Weight 28.085 g/mol
APS <100 nm (can be customized)
Purity > 99%
Density 2.32 g/cm3
Color  brown yellow
 Solvent Ethanol (as per requirement)

Silicon Nanopowder & Nanowire Mixed Ethanol Dispersion

US1127 Nanowire-Si powder, particle size uniformity, and good dispersion. Mainly used in semiconductor parts, power parts, integrated circuit and extension underlay; High refractive-index nanocomposites; Light emitters; Nonvolatile memory devices……

Silicon Nanopowder & Nanowire Mixed Storage Conditions:

The damp reunion will affect its dispersion performance and using effects, therefore, this product should be sealed in a vacuum and stored in the cool and dry room and it should not be exposed to air. In addition, the product should be avoided under stress.
