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MAX Phase Niobium Aluminum Carbide Powder

MAX Phase Niobium Aluminum Carbide Powder

MAX Phase Niobium Aluminum Carbide Powder

Product No. NRE-58003
CAS No. 1015077-01-6
Formula Nb4AlC3
Molecular Weight 434.63 g/mol
APS < 40 μm
Purity 99.9%
Form Powder


Certificate of Analysis

Nb 85.5%
Al 6.2%
C 8.2%
O 0.03%
Cr 0.02%
Mn 0.01%
Fe 0.03%

MAX Phase Niobium Aluminum Carbide Powder

Structure and Properties

Electrical Conductivity: Nb2AlC MAX Phase Niobium Aluminium Carbide Powder displays good electrical conductivity due to the metallic bonding in its structure.

Thermal Conductivity: The material’s ability to conduct heat efficiently makes it valuable for thermal management applications.

Oxidation Resistance: The presence of aluminium contributes to the formation of a protective oxide layer, enhancing oxidation resistance

Mechanical Properties: MAX Phase Niobium Aluminium Carbide Powder combines the hardness and stiffness of ceramics with the machinability and ductility of metals.


Powder Metallurgy: Involves the blending of elemental or binary compound powders followed by a sintering process to form the MAX Phase Niobium Aluminium Carbide Powder.

Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (SHS): An exothermic reaction between the elements that leads to the formation of Nb2AlC.


High-Temperature Structural Components

Aerospace: Nb2AlC is used in aerospace applications where components must endure high temperatures and mechanical stress, such as in turbine blades and thermal barriers.

Automotive: The material’s resistance to high temperatures and oxidation makes it suitable for use in automotive exhaust systems and engine components.

Thermal Management Systems

Heat Sinks: Nb2AlC’s high thermal conductivity makes it an excellent material for heat sinks and other thermal management solutions in electronics.

Thermal Interface Materials: Used in applications requiring efficient heat transfer between components, improving overall system performance.

Electrical Applications

Conductive Coatings: Due to its electrical conductivity, MAX Phase Niobium Aluminium Carbide Powder is used to create coatings that enhance the performance of electrical components.

Electrical Contacts: The material’s stability and conductivity make it suitable for use in electrical contacts and connectors.
