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Nickel Fluoride Nanoparticles

Nickel Fluoride Nanoparticles

Nickel Fluoride Nanoparticles
Product No NRE-5170
CAS 10028-18-9
Purity 99.9%
Formula NiF2
APS <100 nm (can be customized)
Color Yellow
Molecular Weight 96.69 g/mol
Density 4.72 g/cm3
Melting Point 1,474° C
Boiling Point NA

Nickel Fluoride Nanoparticles


Nickel fluoride (NiF₂) nanoparticles are composed of nickel and fluorine atoms, with nickel in a +2 oxidation state. In nanoparticle form, nickel fluoride exhibits enhanced properties due to its small particle size, large surface area, and increased reactivity compared to bulk materials. These nanoparticles are typically synthesized using methods like chemical precipitation, hydrothermal synthesis, or sol-gel processes.


Energy Storage and Conversion:

Batteries and Supercapacitors: Nickel fluoride nanoparticles are explored for use in advanced battery technologies, such as lithium-ion or sodium-ion batteries, where they can enhance the overall performance, charge/discharge cycles, and energy density. NiF₂ can also be used in supercapacitors, where its high surface area and conductive properties improve the device’s energy storage and efficiency.

Electrode Materials: Due to their stability and electrochemical properties, nickel fluoride nanoparticles are being studied as electrode materials in various energy storage devices. They are particularly useful in lithium-ion and nickel-based batteries, where they can help improve the energy capacity and extend the life of the devices.

Fuel Cells: Nickel fluoride nanoparticles have potential applications in fuel cells, particularly in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) or oxygen evolution reaction (OER). They act as efficient catalysts, helping improve the performance of fuel cells by facilitating the necessary reactions for hydrogen or oxygen conversion.

Catalysis and Chemical Reactions:

Electrocatalysis: Nickel fluoride nanoparticles are considered effective electrocatalysts for electrochemical reactions, such as water splitting (for hydrogen production) and oxygen reduction reactions (ORR) in fuel cells. Their stability and high surface area make them ideal for use in green energy technologies.

Catalyst for Fluorination Reactions: Nickel fluoride is used as a catalyst in organic fluorination reactions, where it can facilitate the substitution of hydrogen atoms with fluorine in organic compounds. This has applications in the pharmaceutical industry, agrochemicals, and materials science, where fluorinated molecules are often desired for their unique chemical properties.

Degradation of Organic Pollutants: NiF₂ nanoparticles can also serve as catalysts in the degradation of harmful organic pollutants in wastewater treatment or environmental cleanup applications, enhancing the efficiency of the treatment process.

